Today I decided to take my little boy hiking for the first time. I knew of some bluffs in a neighboring town so we headed over there. We parked and I lifted my excited child out of his car seat. "Wess go, mama! You ready? Wess go!" I was so happy to hear the excitement in his voice.
New adventures are always fun and this was going to be a new adventure for both of us.

I wasnt only talking about the scenary but also about the innocence and wonder that was on his face and in his voice.
Mason found so many different kinds of leaves. It was like he couldnt believe there were so many different varieties. I told him what I could about each one--the names, the colors, the shapes, pointed out the tree it probably fell from.

We stopped to take pictures of him sitting on broken logs and standing on large stones. He petted the soft moss growing under an old maple tree. He ran and jumped down the trail like he was home.
Had I not lacked gracefulness, I wouldve ran and jumped with him because thats exactly what it felt like to me too. Like home.
The feeling I had of introducing nature to my child was amazing. Why did I wait so long to do this for him? Not only that. Why have I kept myself away from what was my great passion? I lost that part of me somewhere along the way.
But today, I found it once more.
And it was beautiful, so beautiful.
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