Now anyone who knows me KNOWS that I love toys! I always have and because I've yet to grow up, I still do!
In fact, having Mason was all part of the plan. He's my alibi for my toy buying habit! Actually, my anthem is most definitely the Toys R Us song!
So, I do some research on the new Nickelodeon toys and find very little info on the store websites. On ebay, however, sellers have already gotten their hands on these toys and they are selling them like hotcakes.
Oh those naive, unsuspecting buyers. Unbeknownst to them, they can find these toys at Target (according to my insider tip) for much, much cheaper and NO SHIPPING.
I decided I would head to the stores the next day to look for the new toys. My rationalization for this tiny shopping venture?
Potty training. Poop-in-the-potty rewards! I just know God planned all this out: "Gabba and Wubbzy toys shall be released during Mason Cole's potty training experience!" An answer to my prayers!
I dropped Mase off at school and headed to Target. I see 3 giant, dancing Wubbzies sitting on the shelf, wearing his groovy rainbow afro wig.
"YES!" I think as I approach my son's best tv buddy! "NO!" I say aloud when I see the price is 40 big ones!!!!!!! Sorry Mason, you wont be getting this big guy! I look around and see nothing but empty shelves with price tags staring at me letting me know THE TOYS YOU WANT WERE HERE...but now they are gone.
On with the trek.
I go to Toys R Us and approach a sales manager. "Does this store carry WOW WOW WUBBZY and YO GABBA GABBA items?" The lady looked at me like I was nuts and speaking a foreign language! I felt pretty stupid when I heard the words come out of my mouth because had I not been a mommy, I wouldnt have ever heard of these CRAZY sounding shows either!
No Wubbzies or Gabbas at what was once (before the Walmart era), "The World's Biggest Toy Store." This isnt looking good, boys and girls.

I decide to stop at the next Target store along the way. Sold out--except for the giganto funkadelic wubbzies.
Man, Im going to have to make friends with the night stockers at Target so I can get the hookup when their shipments come in! (Joking, joking. But if it comes down to it, I will! Amy and I have discussed this several times during our Disney Cars obsession--which is still on and poppin, by the way!).
I get to the next Target and reluctantly walk to the toy aisle, totally ready to be let down. I see the rainbow afros sitting on the shelf. I look past those and BLAM! THERE THEY ARE! MY--uh, I mean, MASON'S toys!!! I found all three packs of Wubbzy characters! 9 characters, 9 poops on the potty! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I throw them in my cart and look at the next display and BLAMMO! There's YO GABBA GABBA!!! Jackpot! There wasnt much to choose from but I got 2 plush characters (very cheap in cost--yay!) and threw those into my cart too!
I left Target with a feeling of Mission Accomplished. But in actuality, the pooping on the potty mission has just begun! These kooky little friends are just going to make it happen more quickly--I HOPE!
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