Since we cant seem to carry our butts to the gym on a regular basis, we cancelled our membership. Therefore, I need to be outside walking around the block in order to lose my extra insulation. But the heat has given me an excuse to hang out indoors. As it is right now with 100
degree days, I don't even like to go from the house to the car. Making a full lap around the block makes me nervous! My excuses run out on Friday if the temps truly do make it into the 80's. Maybe Ill hire Berry to drive behind me and be my pace car--just in case! HAHA

My new eating plan begins tomorrow and I'm looking forward to it. Our eating habits have been horrible over the last couple of weeks. We eat pizza like 4 days a week which is crazy! Tonight was good though: salmon, rice and steamed broccoli. My new plan will have me eating basically this same stuff minus the rice plus like 4 additional meals. I hope I can stick with it because eating all day long is a huge task for me. If you know me, Id rather NOT EAT to lose weight. I know, I know. Not eating throws the body into starvation mode and you end up gaining weight rather than losing it. Fine. That may be true but if you are strong enough not to bend the elbow you have no choice but to LOSE weight (and muscle and hair and your pretty skin complexion). I'll be trying the healthier approach this time and with exercise, my outer layer should melt away eventually. We'll see how it goes and I will be blogging daily to help keep myself on track.
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